
Launching your business like a PRO!

Okay, so why do a buh-gillion people (yeah I made that number up) on Earth have iPhones? It’s not cuz they’re the bee’s knees or Steve Jobs was a super handsome fella, it’s because they LAUNCHED their product properly! They didn’t just get a shipment of the product to store in their garage and tell their aunts & uncles then say cell phones don’t work because their aunt didn’t buy an iPhone…

In the network marketing industry, there’s a GIANT difference between just JOINING a business opportunity and LAUNCHING a business! You can JOIN a business and it’s possible no one might even know you’re involved with that company…but if you LAUNCH a business then you let the entire world know what you’re doing and WHY you’re doing it!

When you make the decision to launch your business (which should be the moment you join it) then it’s ALL about the initial EXPLOSION of activity which produces productivity! What’s that mean? It means an initial surge of growth in your organization and a foundation is built for your business. This growth increases your belief & excitement levels which creates a never-ending cycle of growth and excitement! Of course, that leads to the much desired result of a higher income…

Here’s 3 FUN & simple steps for launching your business like a pro:

  1. The Launch Call:

Immediately following you joining the company, schedule your launch call with your upline or one of your partners. I’ll give you the formula how to have an effective launch call in a second but first, it’s important you know how to invite to the launch call.

You’ll want to become fluent with your invite. For me, I use “the 4-step invite”. Also, I invite 1 on 1 over the phone. I might meet someone online but I get them on the phone to invite to a call. I don’t post on social media and hope people show up, I reach out 1 on 1. There’s 4 simple steps to this invite:

Step 1: Act with a sense of urgency (be in a hurry)

Step 2: Clear the date (make sure they’re free at the time of the call)

Step 3: Be sincerely excited (speak at a good pace. Remember, you’re in a hurry)

Step 4: Confirm the date

The call should sound something like this:

“Hey, John. Hey, man, I can’t talk right now, I’m actually falling behind just by calling you but this couldn’t be more important. What are you doing tonight at 10EST? (JOHN: “NOTHING”) Great, there’s a PRIVATE call starting tonight 10 SHARP. I NEED you to JUST LISTEN IN on that call, it’ll only be about 10 minutes or so. SINCE YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ANYWAY, can I count on you to listen in on that call?”

The only objection you should get with this EVER is “Well, what’s it about?”. In which you’d say something like “I’d love to chat with you about it but like I mentioned, I’m falling SO FAR BEHIND just by calling you, I HAVE to get off here. You’re not doing anything anyway, can I count on you to just listen in?”

If they say no then thank them just the same and let them know you’ll talk soon. If they say yes then text them the info as soon as you get off the phone then start text reminding folks an hour before the call. I’d simply text: “REMINDER of that important call that starts in an hour at 10EST. Thanks again for being someone I can count on! ;-)”

…okay, so back to the logistics of the actual call, itself. Once the call starts the upline edifies you with everything they’ve got, building value and credibility in you.Then the upline introduces you to say a very quick 1 or 2 minute hello to your guests to express how excited you are. After that, you edify your upline and re-introduce them so they can do an awesome presentation with a call to action at the end, letting the guests know those who act FIRST will be at the top of your organization and what benefits there are to that.

TIP- You can have as many launch calls as you want if you can’t get in contact with EVERY person on your list with the 1st call and there can be 1 or 2 people doing a launch call at a time but no more than that because then you lose the sense of exclusivity of that private call.

  1. The Social Media Launch Post:

So, the purpose of this post isn’t to tell everyone what you’re doing. It’s to pique their interest and have them coming to YOU. You’ll want to craft a post that’s short & sweet but draw curiosity. Something like “OMG, I’ve been praying for something like this to come into my life for years and almost gave up! Guys, something MAJOR just happened in my life, praise Jesus!”. By crafting a post to arouse curiosity and interest, it’ll have folks reaching out, liking and commenting and that’ll give you something to talk to them about, creating leads. A few days later, it may be good to make a post letting everyone know JUST A LITTLE more and I’ve found a good way to do this is through video so if you’re camera shy, getting over it could be beneficial. Remember, YouTube works for you 24/7 in every country around the world, but that’s a training session for another day!

  1. The Offline Launch Party:

Some people fear these but if you look at it as just a fun get-together where you talk about something cool you’ve just discovered and make the main focus having fun with what you’re doing then it’s cool.

These launch parties can be done at your home, the club house of an apartment, the back of a restaurant, colleges usually have a room you can use for free…you just want somewhere either free or cheap because free and cheap is duplicatable!

In this party, it’s ALL about having fun. It HAS to be, because you want it to be something people WANT to come to again and again. You’re going to invite EVERYONE you know within 2 hours of where the party’s at. You may want to offer incentives for coming and bringing a guest, like a door prize or even give folks a simple job like bringing a bag of ice for the drinks so you’re “counting on them” for that bag of ice. That’ll help make sure people don’t fall out of their cars on the way over LOL!

It’s good to let the people closest to you know what you’re in to that way when you’re having all types of success, they can’t say you didn’t tell them! You may or may not get a bunch of sign-ups from your warm market but at least you’re letting them know and this will be a GREAT chance to take picture, videos and get referrals  of people they know that might be interested in opportunity or your product or even just to be a part of the party. There’s A LOT to be said for someone knowing there will be a weekly party at the same location EVERY week they can bring guests to. This will also build unity, create a bond, build loyalty and it draws people in but it can do so OVER TIME so consistency will be the key!


Tracking: Make sure you keep notes on who you invited to your launch call, who interacted with you on your posts, who you invited to your parties and so on because the fortune is certainly in the follow-up. You’ll want to make sure you follow up with EVERYONE at the time you schedule to follow-up and continue to find subtle ways to follow-up every so often. We build, develop, nurture and eventually harvest relationships in RELATIONSHIP marketing.

FUN=MAGNET: During this whole process, matter of fact, ANY time you’re talking about your business, make sure you’re having fun because people want to be a part of something fun! If you have enough fun with it, you’ll start attracting people like a magnet!

When launching your business, you can take notes on how other companies launch their products and services as well as promotions and you can use their same strategies with YOUR business. You want to give the feeling that becoming a part of YOUR business is exclusive, invite only and the people you’ve partnered with and the group your’e a part of is valuable…because it IS!

HAVE FUN WITH THIS and remember that you’ve found a way to make the most of this life…Beginners join a business, professionals LAUNCH their business!



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