
4 Transitions to help Increase Your Closing Ratio AND YOUR PAYCHECK

We’ve managed to cover a great deal of topics related to network marketing over the last couple years. Something that came up recently during my conversation with someone was how to make a three-way-call.

Not only did this person not know how to make a proper three-way call, he/she didn’t understand any of the transitions;

  1. How to get someone on the three-way call,
  2. How to conduct the three-way call,
  3. What to do AFTER the three-way call.

Despite being in the network marketing profession for over eight years, this person still did not understand these transitions.

But, hey, it’s completely understandable.

I see it all the time, so what we’re going to go over today is some very, very valuable information that will help you understand how to make these transitions.

We’re going to go over how to get to the three-way call, what to do during the three-way call, and what to do after the three-way call. This is very valuable information that you need to know.

These are four transitions that’ll increase your posture, your paycheck, and your closing ratio.

You’ve heard the phrase “It’s not what you say, but how you say it,” right? Well sometimes, it’s actually WHAT you say as well. That’s why knowing how to transition into a three-way call can be pretty important for a few reasons.

You want your prospect to be as comfortable as possible; and to have maximum comfort, you want things to have a nice smooth flow. You want to appear to be confident just like if you’re on a flight.

For example. I was just down in Australia for a week and a half last week and I was on a flight from Sydney to Perth, and when we were about an hour out, it started to get really bumpy. I didn’t know if we landed the plane or we got shot down.

It was rough, and so the flight attendant let her cool face slip and she was obviously distraught. That made me a bit more nervous.

So, just like if you’re on a flight and the flight attendant is calm and confident, if they’re cool, you’ll be cool. It’s the same idea.

You want to be able to duplicate. Duplication is pretty much the essence of network marketing. It’s what makes us magical. It’s how these people get half a million dollars a month. It’s not because they’re out there selling a bunch of products, it’s because they’re duplicating.

You’ve got to be able to duplicate. You want to be professional enough to be able to teach exactly what you do to have success.

In order to do this effectively, you need a system. You have to have a script of sorts. I use the offline prospecting script almost word for word.  But any other script, that’s just a track for you to run on, you don’t actually just read the script.

You don’t sit there and read it word for word and say “Hey Steve, oh dag gone it, his name is John.” “Okay John, just curious, are you open to a side project?”

It’s just a track for you to run on. It gives you an idea of what to say so you always have a place to go. You always know what to do next and it will increase your confidence level.

Think about this for just a second, how confident would you be if, no matter what they said, you always knew what to say next? If you always knew what to say, how confident would you be?

The answer is very obvious. You’d be VERY confident.

I’m going to give you four transitions that’ll help you absolutely nail your three-way calls.

First, to really do it right, it starts when you’re setting the follow-up. Remember these three phrases and write them down. I’ve said them probably on thousands of Facebook Lives and a million training calls. These three phrases are busy, important, and in control.

You need to appear to be busy. Build with an extreme sense of urgency because people relate being busy with being successful. So, appear to be busy.

What you’re doing needs to seem important because it is. If you do that, it’s going to keep you in control, which is what you need to be.

Here’s the verbiage to properly set up the follow up of a three-way call.

Pique their interest.

If you’re going to reach out to someone and prospect them, remember to pique their interest, not satisfy their interest. This first transition is to get them to the point where you’re going to be able to follow up with them.

The first transition is simple and it’s where you pique their interest in order to get them to the three-way call.

So you might say something like:

“Hey Steve, what’s up, man. How’ve you been?” “Great. Hey, listen, I want to catch up with you but first, I’ve got a side project that I’ve been working on and I need to know are you open to a side project to make some extra money?”

You could also say “hey man, listen, I’m curious, do you keep your options open when it comes to making more money?” Whatever the phrase is, the point is that you’re trying to get them interested.

Then once they say “yeah, man, I keep my income options open, what’s up?” Appear to be busy at that point in time. “Well, I’m actually going into a dinner meeting with some colleagues.”

*Key: Appear to be busy.

“Hey, I’m going into a dinner meeting with some colleagues but I need to know if I-, would you-?”

“If I were to send you about ten minutes worth of information to take a look at, would you get a chance to check it out and give me your honest feedback?” Plain and simple.

Don’t over complicate it. Pique interest, appear to be busy, and remember, “if I-, would you-”. They say, “seven o’clock man, I’ll get a chance to check it out at 7:00.” “Great, I’ll actually be busy at seven o’clock, but I should be wrapped up by about 7:30 or 8:00, will that work for me to follow up with you?” “Yeah, sure.” Great, okay.

Now here’s something that is going to increase the probability they’ll actually answer when you follow up with them, this next phrase.

“Steve, I’m actually super, super busy but I promise you I will carve out some time in my schedule to make certain I give you a call at 7:30. Are you positive you’ll have checked out the information by then and 7:30 works for you?” Done.

It adds an extra layer of accountability

So if you word it just like that then you’ll increase the probability they’ll actually answer when you go to follow up.

The three questions.

The second transition is the three questions you ask when you follow up with your prospect. You don’t want to get into a whole lot of extra conversation on the follow-up. You can be cordial but still go ahead and get right into it.

Question one is “hey Steve, what’s up, man? Did you get a chance to check out the information I sent you?” That’s question number one.

If they say no, terminate the call, but don’t just hang up on them. You might want to, but don’t.

You should text them about 30-45 minutes before you were to follow up with them and tell them that you were just wrapping something up but you’ll be able to follow up with them at 7:30 still.

But if they haven’t checked it out, here’s what I want you to say. “Oh okay, well listen, I was pushing back another call so I could call you, I’ve actually got a lot of people that did watch the video that I need to follow up with.

When do you think you’ll have about ten minutes to check that information out?” Let them know you’ve got a bunch of people that have checked it out. Then reschedule the call.

Most of the time they’re going to say YES. “Did you get a chance to check out the information I sent you?” YES. That’s question one.

Question two. “What’d you like about what you saw?” “Oh, I liked the fact that you can earn money while-.” And then you’re going to agree with him. “Yeah, actually that’s one of my favorite parts too.”

Question three. “What kind of questions did you have for me?” Doesn’t matter what they say at that point. If they say “oh, I don’t have any questions,” I usually say “you know what, you remind me of myself, I didn’t have any questions either, I was just ready to get started.”

Then you’re going to transition into the three-way call.

If they didn’t have any questions at that point in time, you say “I’d really like to introduce you to part of our support system that you really need to meet.” “This gentleman …” Then edify your upline.

Now if they did ask a question, which 99 times out of 100 they will, for example, “I’m curious about how the binary dual pay uni level matrix comp plan works,” then you’re going to say “you know what, that’s a great question, I’d be curious what my business partner Austin Zulauf has to say about that.”

“Austin’s been an outside sales consultant for multiple Fortune 500 companies but is the number one income earner in three separate companies, documented seven figure earner, and best selling author.

You’re going to love this guy, but hold on one second, don’t hang up, let me see if he’s available. I’ll get him on the line.”

You’re going to edify the bejesus out of your upline or your sponsor, your partner, or whoever you’re doing the three-way call with, and then get them on the line.

Hopefully, you let them know 20 or 30 minutes before your call was scheduled that you’ll have a three-way call so that they’ll be available. That second transition is the three questions you ask when you follow up.

Transition to the three-way call

Once you’ve asked the final question, which is, “what kind of questions do you have for me?” then whatever they say you’re going to respond with simply “you know what, that’s a great question, I’d be curious what my partner, so and so, has to say about that.”

And then you’re going to edify the jenkins out of this gentleman or this young lady. Say “hold on one second, don’t hang up, I’m actually going to see if I can get them on the line right now.” And then you’re going to click over and call John Jacob Jingleheimer. That’s transition number three.

Edify your partner.

The final transition we’re going to go over is the edification of the partner that you’re introducing to your prospect. To edify just means to speak highly of.

Your job is anytime that you’ve got an upline, a sponsor, your corporate team, a leader in your company, someone that is brand new, it doesn’t matter, edifying the people that you’re around is only going to help you and it’s going to make them like you more.

So you’re going to gain a friend and then it’s going to build credibility in everything that you’re doing, so you just want to edify, edify, edify, okay?

That’s super important and here’s why.

If you’re doing the three-way call or any sort of a call where you’re introducing someone and you want these people to listen to that someone and you don’t edify them …

I’ll give you an example. I was on a three-way call within the past 24 hours where they didn’t do any sort of edifying. This person was sitting there wondering “why the hell am I listening to this jerk on the phone?” You know what I’m saying. “Why couldn’t so and so not just answer my questions?”

It was not a good call. I mean, it was okay. They may still get involved, but it was just not very good. It didn’t set the right environment conducive for them to want to join. If that person had edified me properly, then it’s almost like they’re doing that prospect a favor by putting them on the phone with an expert.

This has a completely different feel.

You’ve got to just edify the stuffings out of the person that you’re introducing. The more you do, the more your prospect is going to listen whenever they speak, which is imperative. It’s absolutely necessary to have a successful three-way call. I can’t stress it enough.

Remember to be Quiet.

The last thing is, once you’ve edified your upline or your sponsor, or whoever you’re doing the call with, and it’s time for them to speak and do the three-way call, be quiet.

Don’t say anything else. You don’t have to chip in. You didn’t go through the trouble of getting an expert on the phone so that you could speak, right?

So be quiet. You and that person can talk afterward.

If you have a point that you want to make, jot it down, but don’t interrupt the person that you took time away from to do a three-way call with. What you don’t want to do is get your prospect feeling like you guys are desperate or you’re ganging up on that person.

It’s just not going to serve you. It won’t psychologically give you the right reaction from your prospect, so once you have edified that person and they’re speaking, don’t talk again until the call is done. Plain and simple.

…and there you have it folks! Use these tips and you’ll be one step closer to achieving inevitable success in your business.



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